10 Advanced SEO Skills To Level Up Your Career

Do you want to deepen your field of expertise, unlock new possibilities and boost your worth in the role of SEO SEO professional? Explore these 10 SEO techniques that will assist you.

We all reach an age of our careers as SEO professionals that we feel uninspired.

We’ve been working on optimizing websites for some time and are certain that we’ll accomplish it easily.. However, there’s that constant thought that there’s always more that we can do.

Another layer of knowledge that could help us become more productive, employable, and secure.

The article below will teach 10 techniques that will help you increase your SEO proficiency.

These are only essential skills for some SEO experts (you’ll get them on this page).

However, acquiring the skills of an advanced SEO can aid you in advancing your field of expertise, becoming an expert in marketing, and increase your chances of earning the next level of pay or freelance rate also.

10 Advanced SEO Skills To Level Up Your Career
10 Advanced SEO Skills To Level Up Your Career

1.Intent Analysis

The Intent Analysis is the analysis of a user’s intent behind the search term they type into the search engine.

When someone types “pizza restaurant”in an online search engine, what’s the final result they are looking for?

Would they like to find out about pizza establishments are available nearby?

Are they looking to open a pizza shop?

Are they in search of an opportunity at a pizza shop?

Understanding why people need it is essential for anyone who wants to improve their SEO skills.

This will allow you to meet a user’s needs to be satisfied when they arrive on your page and improve the chances of your site being featured in their search.

It’s not enough to stop there, but it’s certainly not enough.

It is also essential to know what search engines think users are looking for from the information they’re looking for.

For example, I am in the U.K., and if I look up [pizza restaurant] on Google using my computer, I will get a mix of results.

I have the option to click to look up other websites:

Then comes it being followed by the Map Pack and then a mix of editorial and review websites and restaurants’ websites.

If I were to rank a website that is all on the story of the origins of pizza establishments in my own country, I would have a hard time.

Google discovered the user’s intention as either navigation, such as finding the nearest restaurant, or comparative, as in looking to compare different options within the region.


It is not a question that knowing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript can assist you in ensuring that your sites are designed in a manner that is bot-friendly.

While SEO experts are optional to be full-time developers knowing the code can assist you to find issues with indexation, rendering, and crawlability.

There are instances when understanding the fundamentals of how codes are made or being able to analyze code that is already in existence will help you improve your SEO.

It could aid your interaction with developers who might need to modify it.

It will assist you in identifying small improvements to your website’s performance.

The ability to code isn’t necessary for SEO; however, understanding the basics of these three popular languages can make you more successful in your future career.

Learning the code’s syntax, the way it is created, and being able to discern how components relate to one another can assist you in creating and fixing schema.

Learning Python and SQL can help streamline your SEO processes, allowing you to automate tedious tasks like mapping URL redirects and searching for keywords.

3. Understanding Server Management

A non-SEO professional should be the person who is accountable for making sure that the server can handle the volume of site visitors.

But understanding how servers impact the speed of loading, crawlability, and security of a website will propel your SEO understanding to the next level.

Using CDNs in place of static servers may help speed the loading time of content; however, if you need help understanding the limitations of fixed-location servers, it is difficult to justify the necessity of CDNs. CDN.

Understanding how web hosting affects users’ experience on your website and the ability of Google to connect to it is essential to build a solid foundation for SEO techniques.

Knowing how factors like location and uptime can influence your site’s performance on search engines is essential.

This is just the beginning of how knowledge about servers can help the success of your SEO efforts.

A better understanding of the server codes beyond the primary 404 and 301 will allow you to contact the people responsible for your servers in cases of crucial problems.

Are you aware of what is a 502 error?

Have you ever encountered a 504 status code prior?

In the event that you aren’t, it can be a simple and quick place to refresh your skills.

A status of 5XX usually indicates a problem within the server that can’t process a request from the client.

An easy method to determine the status codes is to go to httpstatuses.com.

You can discern if the issue is on the client or server and then find a solution according to the case.

4. Content Writing

The process behind writing content is a crucial element of SEO that is advanced.

It is possible that you are not an excellent wordsmith.

But, to give a more precise explanation of copywriting to the people you know who do, you must understand what makes up a practical work of copywriting.

It’s not enough to know that your copy must be convincing and have enough relevance to search terms that will help you find it.

Learn about the steps that your copywriters follow when researching writing, editing, and writing their work.

This will allow you to formulate your ideas for copy.

5. Editing

Editing is a different ability to learn in the field of content.

In many companies, the SEO specialist must review the content others have created and make it more optimized for search engines.

This is often the case in the real world, resulting in poorly-written text being destroyed.

Incorporating keywords in the opening paragraphs to increase the number of keywords may help with rankings, but it can hurt your conversion rate and build brand loyalty.

Learn to use well-written text and improve it without destroying it.

You could also discuss with the SEO copywriters and solicit details of their procedure.

Understanding the process, they use to create writing copy could help improve your writing skills.

It also simplifies the processes of working with others.

6. Reporting

Effectively communicating your progress, outcomes, and the rationale of what you are doing in your SEO work is essential to be successful in this field.

As an SEO expert, you’re always trying to meet the demands and requirements of your stakeholders, regardless of whether you’re employed in-house, at an agency, or on a freelance basis.

It will be easier to get acceptance and budgets to be much more straightforward If you can show the results of your work.

Reporting doesn’t have to be a simple matter of adding labels to graphs or even recording the reason for the increase or decrease.

Excellent SEO reports let users know the data’s context, draw conclusions and make business decisions based on these reports.

SEO professionals must get skilled at helping other stakeholders understand their work’s importance and limitations (as well as the mistakes to avoid when making reports).

They must also aid their clients to see the benefits of their work to them through data visualization and the goals they have in the long term.

All this can be accomplished through clear, well-constructed, and accurate reports.

7. SEO Forecasting

Similar to the requirement to be proficient in explaining previous results, SEO professionals with experience must be able to calculate the likely outcomes.

SEO Forecasting is a nebulous science.

Many external variables are challenging to pinpoint and determine.

A shift in market conditions, competition, or political circumstances could cause well-thought-out forecasts to be wildly off.

We should not put stress on ourselves to forecast the exact amount of traffic or even the amount of visibility that our work could gain.

But, being competent in putting realistic estimates and possible ranges in our suggestions can make budget-makers feel more confident in our proposed recommendations.

It’s not enough to shake our shoulders and cross our arms when confronted with the results.

We commonly request significant time, money, and resources for the activities we suggest.

SEO forecasting is a talent that will not just set you apart when searching for new jobs or opportunities but will also increase the reliability and quality of your work.

8. Log File Analysis

Log analysis of files is the method of analyzing the log files of the people or things that have visited your site.

They can inform you of the time visitors have visited a website and what device they used to get there.

They also inform you when bots visit your site.

This can be particularly useful in knowing Googlebot and other crawlers’ actions on your website.

Through the analysis of log files, you will be able to determine what websites search engine bots may or won’t access.

It is possible to determine if spider traps could be on your site or the frequency with which specific website sections are crawled.

Log files may seem daunting even if you’ve never had the time to spend with them.

There are many amazing tools to help make the process more efficient than simply navigating the log files.

Interpreting the data once you’ve got it is the most important thing. If you realize that Google doesn’t often visit a particular section of your site, this will inform your technical SEO next steps.

This should be a cause for concern about the internal link structure.

Learning about log files is a good starting point, but to further improve your skills, ensure that you look at the logs and draw practical conclusions from them.

9. Website Migrations

Being proficient in planning and managing website migrations takes a lot of work. It is a matter of trial & error.

Many SEO experts who have focused on brand-side work may discover that they need more time to complete the many site migrations.

It can be challenging if you have to deal with a difficult problem, such as merging multiple websites.

If you’ve worked with any SEO company for some time, you have transferred a website or two.

It might be a simple procedure, but unexpected issues made the processing time time-consuming.

There are more than two or three skills required in the process of transferring websites.

They’re usually a combination of stakeholder management communication, planning, processes, technological understanding, and the ability to say no.

However, the abilities you acquire while transferring websites will benefit you greatly throughout your SEO career.

Join a tournament If you have the chance.

It gives you an excellent (albeit pressured) opportunity to view many SEO components moving and playing simultaneously.

10. Optimizing For Other Search Engines

To enhance your SEO knowledge, you should go beyond Google.

It is simple to get caught up in being caught up in thinking exclusively about the search engines that are traditional when we talk about SEO abilities.

If we confine our education and experience to only those, we may miss the more significant possibility.

Traditional International Websites

Many search engines operate using the same principles but with unique particularities.

Search engines with standard features that are popular outside of your local area might be unfamiliar to you.

There are many great resources to get acquainted with the differences between them and search engines that you are more used to making the most of.

There is nothing like practice, however.

If you’re looking to increase your understanding and knowledge of new search engines, you must attempt to rank your site within them and then see the results and what doesn’t.


For search engines such as YouTube, The mechanics might seem more familiar.

But you’ll still have to be aware of the algorithm to ensure that you carry the right actions to make your videos more suitable and compatible with the platforms.

Other Non-traditional Search Engines

Don’t limit yourself to YouTube If you want to improve your SEO skill set.

Check out different search engines such as Pinterest as well as TripAdvisor.

They may not be suitable for your current role as an SEO professional.

However, they are search engines that you can use to influence the results of your content.

  1. International SEO

One of the most difficult tasks an SEO may be involved with generally involves international components.

It’s a difficult task due to the fact that there are numerous things to consider.

To ensure your website is optimized for international visitors, you’ll require digital PR, SEO technical, and on-page optimization expertise.

There’ll be various questions to consider when looking to expand your website for international visitors.

This will include questions about the structure of the site. Different sites, sub-folders, or sub-directories?

Do you wish to localize or translate the content? Are you targeting a specific geographic area on a page or site level?

Numerous strategies and technical expertise are needed to make the best international SEO.

There may be a need for specific abilities in a language or local sources.

Google has created a helpful overview of managing a multi-region site. It’s a great place to start identifying the questions you need to ask.

It can also be used as a beginning point for further education or research.

This will allow you to increase your knowledge and help you improve your abilities.

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Krishna Chaitanya
Krishna is a digital media strategist with experience in the media and publishing industries, He is also the lead marketing strategist for Hustle Chronicle. He is currently employed at Intentify Media & resides in India.

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